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Join Free the Degree

Join the FTD email list to receive updates and monthly newsletters.


Join our Slack Workspace to share updates about your org and connect with folks.


Scroll through the Free the Degree HQ for a scope of the campaign.

Join the SAVE on Student Debt Campaign

Sign your organization up to advocate for the new Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan. Share resources and information with folks on campus and in your community to help end the student debt crisis.

Learn About Student Loans and the Repayment Process

Check out Student Debt Crisis Center's Student Loan Help Clinics:


Student Loans 101


Student Loans 201


Student Loans 301

Join the Conversation

Monthly Campaign Call:

First Wednesdays of the month @ 12pm ET / 9am PT


Communications and Events Working Group:

2023 Meeting Dates: 

12/14 @ 1pm ET / 10am PT


Let's #FreeTheDegree!

Join the movement!

Thanks for submitting!

© 2023 by Student Debt Crisis Center | Student Debt Crisis Center (SDCC) is not affiliated in any way with the Department of Education or any other state or federal government agency. We are not attorneys or financial counselors and are not offering legal or financial advice. We provide information about existing government programs and assistance in determining possible eligibility for those programs. Our website, emails, and telephone correspondences are not a substitute for independent research and consultation with an attorney or financial counselor.​

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