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Taking Action to End the Student Debt Crisis

We will continue to fight for substantive policy change to improve the lives of borrowers until this debt crisis is over.

SDCC in Action


Petition Signatures Collected

Petition signatures are a powerful way to express support or desire for change. SDCC believes that by sharing and signing petitions, borrowers have a clear path to push elected officials to enact change to end the student debt crisis.


Letters Sent to


Borrowers across the country have shared their opinions with lawmakers and elected officials through letter send campaigns. SDCC believes that using your voice can be one of the most powerful ways to make change happen.

10+ years

Providing Borrower Resources

Servicing the needs of borrowers is SDCC’s primary objective. Over the past ten years, we have become a trusted source of information in this community. We provide a suite of tools, repayment information, training opportunities, and other materials to help Americans find the information they need to manage their debt and take advantage of existing and new federal and state programs.


Stories Collected

Storytelling is the foundation of SDCC’s work. Stories educate the general public, destigmatize debt, build community between borrowers, inspire action, and shift the public narrative to support policy change. Sharing the stories of people directly impacted by student loan debt is one of the most impactful tools to motivate and compel legislators to support student loan debt reform.

Support Our Movement.

Our work is supported by individual contributions. Each dollar directly funds our education, outreach, and advocacy programs. Donations to SDCC are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.


Join the movement!

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© 2023 by Student Debt Crisis Center | Student Debt Crisis Center (SDCC) is not affiliated in any way with the Department of Education or any other state or federal government agency. We are not attorneys or financial counselors and are not offering legal or financial advice. We provide information about existing government programs and assistance in determining possible eligibility for those programs. Our website, emails, and telephone correspondences are not a substitute for independent research and consultation with an attorney or financial counselor.​

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